Trigger an alert


How to trigger an alert from your device

  • CALLME Button: Press and hold the button for 2 seconds. 
  • ALERT Button: Press the button. 
  • GAS/CO Alert: Plug it in. Wait for start-up timer to stop. Tap the TEST button.
  • GAS Alert: Plug it in.  Tap the SELF-TEST button TWICE.
  • MAILBOX Alert: Separate the sensor parts for 2 seconds by two inches or more. 
  • WATER Alert: Plug it in. Dip the sensor in a cup of water for 30 seconds. Wipe it dry.
  • POWER Failure Alert: Plug it in. When setup has been completed, unplug it to generate a test alert.
  • TEMPERATURE Alert: Plug it in. Nothing else is required for SETUP.