Integration with IFTTT and Alexa

How to add an Alexa action using MySpool and IFTTT:

1. In your Alexa app, search for and enable the IFTTTrigger skill. You will need your Amazon account information.  Verify that you have added devices of the type Virtual Trigger for IFTTT named IFTTTrigger-1, IFTTTrigger-2, IFTTTrigger-3. Click on IFTTTrigger-1 and rename it to MYSPOOL
2. In your Alexa app, create an Alexa routine. In the WHEN section choose an IFTTT trigger under Smarthome with the trigger name MYSPOOL.  Then choose your desired action and save your Alexa routine.  For example, for ECHO DOT, choose Alexa Says, Customized, "Good job".
3. Find your IFTTT webhooks key and enter it in your device's configuration. To find it, login to IFTTT or sign up for a new account, Click ‘Explore and type in ‘Webhooks’ in the search box, then click on Webhooks once it's found. Then click Connect if prompted. Next, click on 'Documentation'. This will open a new page that shows your IFTTT key. Copy and paste this key to your device's configuration on myspool.
4. In IFTTT begin creating your applet.  Find Webhook for Service in IF section and choose Select a Web Request for Trigger. Enter Event name that corresponds to your device (see My Devices on
5. When you get to "Then That", search for AlexaActions.  Choose AlexaActionsByMkzense 
6. Link the AlexaActionsByMkzense Service to IFTTT using your Amazon credentials.
7. Set the trigger name to MYSPOOL and save the applet.

These videos are also helpful: a Setup Video   and a Test Applet